I figure that I should be getting back to pictures. We've been so busy, that I really haven't taken shots of kids. And when I do, I barely have time to offload them and glance at them.
As you can clearly see, DramaQueen is all smiles for the camera. I haven't really noticed that she is pretty pale looking, and using sunblock probably is a big reason she doesn't have a little color in her cheeks.
And then we come to LegoQueen. Its been, um....rather difficult with her lately. She is going through a lot of changes in the past few months, some physical and some emotional. It appears there will be two cycling women under one roof in the near future. Just what Hongo needs!
Anyway, she was all gung ho for pictures, but I guess I drained her joy when I insisted that she wash her face because she had kool aid mouth, and I also insisted that she brush her hair. So basically that is what set her in her bad mood - she wasn't able to have control over the situation and not everyone has realized her greatness. How frustrating for the LegoQueen.
We go through this every few years - the power struggle...her thinking that she rules the earth, the moon and the stars and all of us insignificant people that share the same dwelling.
She and Hongo have been clashing daily, and its become very irritating. He keeps threatening to leave her home this week, and she backs off. I know he wouldn't be so cruel, but obviously she doesn't.
This weekend we've been getting ready for vacation. The ILs came on Saturday to celebrate our good news on Hongo's health. They asked us if they could take the kids clothing shopping and we said sure and we all went shopping out in the high desert of LA. That mall is much better than ours is.
The kids scored mounds of clothing, which meant more washing for me. Nice. I think I will be able to finish the last load tonight. I am going to start packing the bags tomorrow, so that Wednesday is not so hectic.
I am excited, but I am SO scared. The plane ride just frightens me. This time we will be flying in the middle of the night, so hopefully I will be too tired to be scared.
You guys are going to have so much fun! I love those nighttime flights because then you get the next day is a full day--not a partial one and you didn't have to pay for the hotel. Am I cheap or just smart? LOL
I love the pics of the girls. What are your camera settings? I'm trying to learn.
You are super smart, Carleigh!
Thanks for the comment on the pictures.... my settings:
400 ISO
2.8 AP
1/160 SS
400 ISO
2.8 AP
1/80 SS
I'm stowing away and going with you!! :) Have an AWESOME time!
Love the new pictures! Make sure to take tons on your vacation.
my sympathies for Hongo man!There were 3 women under one roof and we all do at the same time!!LOL I'm sure he'll survive and so will you all,Have a wonderful time take yer knitting and if Hongo complains poke him wif da needle just kidding!At least your not flying alone.have fun!!luv ya
The girls look beautiful!!
PLEASE! take a picture of her with kool-aid mouth and unbrushed hair!
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