Friday, August 10, 2007


Last night was rough. The Hairy One cried all night. It was my turn to stay up with him, so we lay in the loft for most of the time. At around 2 am, he said he wanted to sleep with LegoQueen. SO I carried him to her room and lay him in her bed. She automatically put her arm around him and pulled him close to her. I told her that he was hot, so give him some room. But at 5 am he started screaming, and I ran into the room to find him on the floor screaming and thrashing around. So I picked him up and took him back to the loft with me.

I slept in, and when I got up I realized my MIL was going to be at my house within an hour! So I got everyone up and dressed, and tried to give Hairy his meds. He held it in his mouth and refused to swallow. Urgh! He ended up crying and spitting it all over the floor. I finally got him to take it and just then MIL showed up- bearing candy, donuts, and Capri-Sun boxes.
I went to my dr appt (all is well) and came back home. The kids and I hung out for the rest of the day. They wanted to meet their friends at the park, but we just couldn't today. Not with Hairy being sick.
He's doing much better though - pretty much back to himself. I am looking forward to a restful night, AHHHHHH. Right now we are all sitting on my bed watching SpongeBob and eating candy. Nice - they are going to be bouncing off the walls for another 4 hours.......

Oh, and one more thing that I wanted to write about.....

I'm meeting a group of ladies on Tuesday. My friend Caryn is coming (she's in the group) and I invited my other friend Beatriz (BTW, ALL of my friends are welcome to come - we can make a fun day out of it). SO anyway, I'm going to meet all these ladies.

But tonight I was really upset. One of the ladies I have already met, and she is SOOO nice. She likes to scrapbook, and so every Friday night she invites the ladies in the group to come over and hang out. Pretty much like a knitting night, except its at her house - not Starbucks (rofl) SO for the past two weeks, people have told her that they will come, and then they don't and they don't call or anything to let her know. So she ends up sitting in an empty house alone. Which sucks, IMO. What is worse is that two of the ladies who say they are coming over and they DON'T are her two NEIGHBORS!!!
When I read her post to the group, I was mad. I almost wrote back that they should feel ashamed of themselves, but instead I gave her a (((HUG))) and told her that I would see her tomorrow (she and her hubby are coming to softball practice tomorrow) and that we would have agreat time.
I don't know - some of the ladies I would really like to meet because we have clicked online, but then those bad apples are supposed to come too..I guess I could really count on them NOT showing up at all - since they have that reputation, lol.

Anyway.....Khris, Frankie - I'll send you guys an email tonight and see if you want to come out and make a play date out of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the rough night with your HB! I'll email you later!