There's a cheer that my softball girls do when they are trying to distract the pitcher....
It goes:
Hey Pitcher - look at me,
I'm a monkey in a tree!
oooh ah ah, oooh ah ah
Then they jump and climb on the fence and look freakishly funny. I can't be drinking anything when they do that cheer - it cracks me up.
So naturally - little sister loves that cheer, and when I went out back to get some shots, that is what she was doing:
So for the sake of my exercise, I took what I could get and here is a 100% crop of her eyes:

Hairy Boy (and as you will notice, he isn't so hairy since I buzzed him last night) was not to be outdone by his sister. He doesn't bother singing the cheer - he prefers to just act like a monkey and hopes I'll give him bananas.
But he moved around too much for me to get manual focus. Once he settled down, this is what I got:

Dirty face and all. I must have cropped this photo a million different ways, and none of them looked very good. Maybe that will be my next challenge - creative cropping and composition.
Anyway - here is his 100% crop of the eyes:

LegoQueen was much too sophisticated to take a picture. She looked tired too - red rimmed eyes, bags under the eyes. I took a picture and she looked horrid. I will save that one for when I want to really work on my Photoshop skills - YIKES!
So those were my attempts for today. We didn't go to the park today - I opted to catch up on my housework since I will be gone on Thursday. DramaQueen has another dentist appointment. Its an earlier appointment, so no worries - I am sure we will make it to Park Day to visit with friends.
Today I was browsing my cousin's MySpace, and he had a picture of my dad from last year's fair. I looked at it, and my heart was incredibly heavy with sadness, but I didn't cry. You know what my first thought was?
"I wonder if I can get my hands on the original and make it look decent, so I can print it for myself"
The picture is grainy, underexposed, and if I didn't already see pictures of my dad at the fair, I would have not known it was him in this picture. I did try to fix it a bit and this is what I got:

Its obvious that I lightened him and then erased the background back in, but at least I can tell its my dad!
I also can envision myself grabbing a comb and smoothing the cowlick on top of his head. I was forever fixing his hair when I saw him - it would never stay down!
What a cute post!
Guess what I sang for about two hours yesterday?
ROFLLMAO Carleigh!!
Did you do the monkey dance for the boys? Kids love the monkey!
He, he, no, no but they do enough monkey dancing for me! I think I'll start singing it to them whenever they're acting like...monkeys. I could replace "pitcher" with their names. They'll get a kick out of that, lol.
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