Softball update...
1. The Thursday Men's No-Names pulled out a spectacular win last night. Even with their shaky defense they managed to win by 2 runs. They are now 2-0 in the playoffs and need to win next Thursday to claim first place. Winner receives 150 dollars towards their next season.
2. The Friday Co-Ed No Names just started their season 3 weeks ago and they are 3-0 and are atop the entire division. Tonight they will attempt to go 4-0.
3. The Sunday Mad Batters are in a tight fisted 3 way tie. This weekend they will play a doubleheader against the team that is right behind them. Mad Batters need to win BOTH games to claim the 1st place spot from the other two teams.
Little League updates:
1. I love my Pee-Wee team! They are all so cute and I have two that are sooooo shy and never want to talk to me. But one actually said hi to me, and told me he will be six. Then he asked me how old I was, which wasn't so cute, lol!
2. DramaQueen is loving baseball. She still wishes her daddy would coach, but is adjusting to her new coach well. Every time I go to pick her up, they always have wonderful things to say about her attitude and playing abilities. Today I get to actually sit and watch an entire practice, yay!
3. My junior team is a little shaky. I had one parent a few weeks ago that insulted me and my coaches, and then dropped the f-bomb in front of the girls. I could have gone crazy and screamed at her, but I remained calm and simply let the higher ups know and they put her on probation. I am so proud of myself for that, I can be hot-headed sometimes. LegoQueen is having a hard time. She isn't catching or fielding or throwing well at all. I need to spend some time with her, but I have been so busy :(
4. My board position is going alright. I have a constant to-do list but I am managing it pretty well. The board meetings once a month kill e though. I have to spend 2 1/2 hours away from my family and its hard to get used to. We like going everywhere together.
Overall, I am juggling pretty well. I have most Friday's free during the day, so today after I clean the house we are going out to find a birthday gift for a friend's kid and we are going to swing by and drop it off on the way to practice tonight.
I caught up on paying all my bills, and hopefully I can get my car washed and grass cut today as well.
Then softball tonight and dinner out with friends. can't wait!