Thursday, February 28, 2008

When someone touches you...

then the least you can do is touch someone else.

Last Saturday, one of the umpires in the adult league play for lost his wife.

He umpired two of Hongo's men's games. Before that, we never knew who he was. Last week, he gave my kids jelly beans and put Hongo in fits with his bad calls. Then we heard the news....

Something tugged at me, so tonight I bought a card and made all the guys sign it.
"But I didn't know Norm. What do I say?" Most of them said. I told them it didn't matter and they would understand later, and that all they need to sign was their name.

Norm came to the games tonight. I wasn't done with the card yet, but I gave him a great big hug and told him how sorry I was.
After I got the card signed, I ran over to give it to him. I ended up giving it to one of the staff members from the city, because I didn't want to bother Norm. As I walked away, he quickly called me back to thank me.
He asked me if he should open it now, or what. There were tears in his eyes. I told him that whenever he felt like the time was right, to go ahead and open it. I told him it was from two teams, the Mad Batters and the No-Names (now no laughing at my team's names!) He said, "No names? You guys are new....but you don't even know me and you did this for me?" And you could tell he was getting really choked up.
I told him that it was okay that we didn't know him or his wife...we just wanted him to know we were thinking about him.

I told him that last year my dad passed away, and that my community reached out to me in my time of need. People I didn't know gave me hugs, and sent me cards. I didn't know these people. But these people were still sorry for my loss. They provided the support when my dad's family...MY supposed family would provide none. I decided that it was time I reached out to someone else, and others decided to join in with me.

By this time we both had tears streaming down our faces. He thanked me again and took down my number. I went back to the field where the guys were playing, wiped my face, and started keeping score.

It was the most amazing softball game I have ever witnessed. The guys were losing - badly. It was the bottom of the 7th, and they were down 12 runs. Moral was low. In that inning, with 2 outs, they rallied back to win, finishing it with a game winning home run. I've never seem Hongo more excited about a game - ever. The faces of the players were priceless. A bunch of regular guys, aged 46 to 18 having fun together.

Winning a softball game is nice, and you get to tuck it back in your memory along with all the other great games that you have played. But there are so many more important memories and blessings to think about and be grateful for.....because you never know when life will turn upside down for you.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Just the tip of the iceberg...

Wow, if today is any indication of what the next 3 months are going to be like - I am going to have to take a long vacation when its over!

Yesterday my ILs had the kids, so Hongo and I spent time together and the kids came back around 7 ish. They were sticky and dirty, so it was a round of baths before bed. I fell asleep and was rudely awoken at 2:30am from my cell phone beeping due to low battery. Grrrrr.....
I guess my brain didn't realize it was supposed to go back to sleep, because then it started filling up with thoughts. Oh - I have to remember to get LegoQueen a glove. Oh - I need to make the packets for the parents of the pee-wee team. I need a schedule for practice.
And on and on....until 6:30am.
Then I overslept and woke up because the doorbell rang. It was my laptop! SO I ran downstairs and flung open the door so the guy wouldn't leave with my computer.
But I also happened to set off the house alarm....*sigh*
Hey - now every one is up!
I did the million things that I needed to, and then at 12:30 I went and worked for a little bit. Hongo was in charge of taking the kids to the park for practice. But he didn't know where the park was - he was assuming that I would be done working early and we could go together.
I made it to the park - forgot my phone, my bases, and to buy a bucket of balls, but I made it.
The kids are all great....I ran all over the field with them - we had a short little practice and then I sat down to watch LegoQueen's practice. We drove home and I had to make dinner. We were all starving - I forgot to pack snacks!
So we sat down for dinner around 7, ate and then the kids all needed baths again.
I talked to Hongo, and I told him that we need a better routine. It appears that we will be at the fields every single weeknight for the next 3 weeks. That is not counting my morning walks, or Park Day. Thursday and Friday will be especially difficult - we have to leave PArk at 3 to come home, prep dinner and have a snack, then practice, then come home and eat, then go to Hongo's game. Fridays, depending on where we are, we may have to leave as early as 3:30.
And don't get me started on the weekends!
But I love this - I love spending time with my family, I love getting outside, and if being busy is what it takes, we will live with it and take things as they come...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Team update....

I received the call tonight - I got the Pee Wee team! I go tomorrow to find out what the details are!
The lady also told me that should be getting the call from LegQueen's coach very soon. I hope so - I would like to coordinate practices.

Awww he got me flowers! I totally did not expect it!

We had a chaotic afternoon. I am on my way out to softball, so I will have to update later.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Softball update....

We are still waiting for our call, but I confirmed tonight that LegoQueen DID get picked up, and that we should expect to have a call tonight or tomorrow. I hope its tonight, so that i can start scheduling on my calendar.
If anyone out there could keep their fingers crossed for me, they are picking managers for Pee-Wee ball tonight. Actually, right now as I type this. I would really love to coach the team that the Hairy One and DramaQueen are on.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Last night I got a call from a family friend's daughter. She was excited to tell me that she got her call up to the Major division of softball. She wanted to know if we had received our call for LegoQueen yet. Her voice cracked when I told her that we hadn't received one yet. She was hoping they would get the same team. So was I, but we didn't get anything. She got the coach that LegoQueen wanted too.
Afterwards I called my friend, her daughter tried out too. They hadn't received a call either. So after waiting all evening, we finally went to bed. I kept telling Hongo, "What if they don't pick her at all??" Even though when LegoQueen asked me the very same question, I hugged her and told her that it wouldn't be the end of the world. It wouldn't be, but it still hurts to think about the possibility.
This morning my friend called. She actually got her call last night, but her cell phone was turned off. She got a different coach - our second choice for LegoQueen. She sounded disappointed as well, when I told her that LegoQueen had still not received her call. I told her that there are two scenerios left - either she got the coach we didn't want, or she didn't get picked. Neither look very appealing right now.

Remembering back....

After tryouts, I was talking to the parents of the two other girls that I just mentioned, and I happened to look over and saw that third coach talking to Courtney. He had her cornered, and was asking her questions. I walked over and put my arm around LQ and asked her if she was ready to go. She said yes. The coach looked at me and said "You are her mom?" and I said yes.
When we were walking away, I asked her what he said to her. He was asking her detailed questions about how many years she's played, what positions has she played before, where she would LIKE to play, and if she got a lot of hits. I guess she told him that she played on the All-Star team, got the game winning hit last season, and that she would play anywhere the coach put her.
So we knew he was interested in her, but we thought that the hassle of dealing with me would not be worth it. He and I have exchanged heated words before, but I don't know if that makes a difference.

Anyway, we are still waiting for that call. I don't know how I am going to tell her if she doesn't make it. Its going to be a long day.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Technology will give you heart attacks....

Back when we first got married, we own a cell phone. "We" owned it, but I usually had it in my car because I worked nights. Since Hongo did not have the phone, I settled for a phone call on his morning break to let me know he made it to work, and then a call to let me know he was on his way home.

Eventually I started staying at home, and Hongo was the one who had to carry the phone. I would get a call on his morning break and then one again at lunch, and then maybe one right before he left the building to let me know he was making the 10 minute trip home. Even when I went back to work, we still kept in touch during the shifts, and I would rush home for 30 minute lunches.

About 6 years ago, it was determined that we BOTH must have a phone. I would call to let Hongo know I was going out, and he would call to let me know that he made it safely in to work, and would call me on the trip home and we would chat for the entire trip.

Recently we have become a little lax...due to texting capabiliites. One time I chronicled my errand day in pictures and sent them to Hongo's phone. So if I ever need to reach him, I can text him and within seconds I have a reply. He can text me and within minutes he can also receive a reply (I type slower)

This instant gratification has left me spoiled, and honestly - a little panicky.If hedoesn't reply right away, I begin to worry. So imagine what happened today when I texted him at 8am, and at 11 am, I still did not have a response? I texted him again, and no response. I finally called his phone - no answer. I text messaged myself to make sure it wasn't me.

In that short time I decided that something terrible had happened to him and that no one had gotten around to telling me yet.

Finally, I went online and sent a message. It said "I am very worried! If you do not call me back or text me within 5 minutes, I am calling the courthouse!!"

And the phone rings a minute later.

Why the big worry? What was so important?

I just wanted to make sure he was feeling okay because he wasn't feeling good last night...


Friday, February 1, 2008

The weekend is getting started!

One thing I have to get off my chest before I start...
Today I was disappointed to find out that someone who I trusted told another person what I had said about them. It wasn't so awful that I wouldn't have told the person anyway, and it was only an aquaintance that I was trying to get rid of, but still. It makes me wonder what other things she repeats from the times that I have been angry and frustrated and confided in her to let off steam.
So my lesson is learned- I cannot trust her and I will watch what I say to her in the future. I will continue to stick with the ladies in my homeschooling circle - they are very trustworthy. I'm just disappointed.

So anyway - the weekend has begun! Hongo is already home from work and picked up Chinese food so that I didn't have to cook! We will probably hang out tonight and watch a movie and have some popcorn.
Tomorrow we have softball tryouts, and then later on that evening we are supposed to go out shopping. Then on Sunday we will have our little SuperBowl party. I say little, because its just the 5 of us, but we have enough snacks and pizza to feed several more people. Hongo enjoys watching the game in peace, though - so I never invite anyone over.