Tuesday, January 29, 2008

tired and crabby

Today is just not going well....

I did not sleep well last night, so I woke up "off" this morning.
I tried to exercise, and just found my self becoming frustrated, so I stopped.
I drove across town to get something, and forgot to pick up the items already on my list.
My kids are driving me insane - too much pent up energy from being in all weekend. They are constantly fighting, and I have the 11 year old who thinks she is some kind of supreme being and that she doesn't do anything wrong.
We went to mail packages today, and afterwards we walked to the grocery store to get something. I don't know what "something" is, because its still there. I walked out empty handed.
I'm exhausted, and now its time to go make dinner.

Oh - its not all bad. We were in the store (one of the many stores) and I stopped to pick up eggs. The Hairy one said "I love eggs!!!" and DramaQueen said to him "If you like eggs so much, why don't you marry them?" I thought the woman behind us was going to spray her drink on us.
Without missing a beat, The Hairy One replied "I can't marry an egg - its too cold. Kissing is supposed to be warm. You can't kiss an egg."

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


The funniest thing just happened.

First of all, most people know I am the jumpiest thing on the planet. Hongo takes delight in scaring me when I come right out of the bathroom.

Well, I was using Hongo's computer tonight (mine still does not have internet access) and I got up to show him something that was on my computer. I sat back down at his desk and I felt something warm grabbing my leg and whispering to me. I jumped 3 feet and screamed Oh MY GOD!!!
Turns out, DramaQueen had snuck under the desk to hide from Daddy, and she was trying to get my attention to make sure I didn't give away the greatest hiding spot ever...
Now I know I am truly alive and my heart works....

Monday, January 21, 2008

Where do I begin?

I guess a bullet list is in order....

1. Vegas this weekend is not looking so good. My knee has still not healed and yesterday my friend had to pinch run for me at the game. It's not infected, but the main cut will not scab over. It hurts.

2. Today is a holiday, so the courts are closed. But Hongo has night shooting, so we slept in too late and now my day is all funky. Its 4pm, and thankfully I am cooking in the crockpot, otherwise I would be scrambling to find something.

3. Hongo blew up our bedroom on Friday night/Saturday morning. There is stuff everywhere. My desk is cleared, and the closet looks okay, but my computer doesn't have internet access, and it looks like I won't be hooked up until probably Wednesday. Meanwhile I use Hongo new computer, but it only has IE and none of my passwords are saved....so I have to think really hard to remember all of them.

4. This week I was hoping to catch up, but it doesn't look like it. I have a few new additions to my schedule this week.

5. On a brighter note, the little kids were invited to do an activity once a month with their friend. I told the mom we would participate, and my kids are excited. Especially the Hairy One. He gets to play with other little boys. When Hongo and I were discussing it, I stressed to him that our two little kids need to have activities too. Especially the Hairy One. A lot of the time he is a tag along for whatever activity we are doing. I am curious to see how he does with more structured activity as well.

6. My kids are keeping me on my toes - today we turned on music and danced. DramaQueen is going to be a rockstar.

7. I also found out today something bad about one of the HS families in my group. I don't know if I should call the mom and see if she wants to talk about it or what. Maybe I should just leave it alone.

Well, my computer time is up....someone fell and is screaming. Speaking of falling and screaming - just an update on the Hairy One and his fall from the slide on Thursday. He is fine, he has a bruise on his leg from where he landed. He was up and running around that evening.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Look daddy- another tooth!

It's Pepe!

I forgot, Hongo's men's team won 2nd place last season. We presented the manager with his trophy on Saturday. Pepe vowed to bring a trophy to Hongo this season.

Blogging by phone...

Well, my phone seems to be broken again. The common element is that it breaks right after I post pictures to Blogger.

My knee hurts - last night I went out with my friends and it was okay as long as we were inside. When I was outside, it was cold and it throbbed.
I also forgot to take something before bed, so at 4am it woke me up. I tossed and turned until 6 am and then I fell back asleep.

Today is good. I am catching up on my life, finally. The house looks halfway decent, except for the bedrooms. apparently Hongo let the kids take out every single toy they own last night while I was gone. I got out the crock pot this morning to cook dinner so that I don't have the mad rush at 5pm of what am I going to make!
He set up his new computer too - I see that he placed his old one in the closet. Looks like DQ will have a new computer soon - as long as we get a monitor for it!

Tomorrow is Park - looking forward to it. Looking forward to resting today - I haven't even gotten dressed yet, and it is noon. I declare today PJ day in our house!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My knee

Beautiful shades of purple, black and blue.

Monday, January 7, 2008

A post from February 27th, 2003

Today is our very first day of homeschooling. I have to sit back and wonder if Hongo and I have made the right choice. Can we really make this work? Will we be better teachers than the public schol system offers? Will our precious baby be able to "compete" with her peers academically? So many questions - and I have to wait and see what the outcome will be. It will either be sink or swim - I hope we don't screw up........
Many people ask why we pulled ***** out of school. I don't think a whole lot of people believe in us, because what we are doing is "different". I really have nothing against the public school system - ***** had a fabulous K- teacher and the most of the students in her K class were very good kids. But when we moved, her new school was not quite what we expected. They didn't bother to check what reading or math level she was at. I was told "her teacher will test her and get back to you". No such testing was done......How can he? He has 20 other children that need attention, **** is not the only student he is responsible for.
I tried so hard to help her. I visited her class as often as I could, I helped her with her homework and made sure it was completed neatly and on time. I kept up on the teacher - offering help, asking if there were any problems, etc. He had nothing but praise for her, and so I began to relax. Then the problems began.........
Shortly before Thanksgiving, ****** was pushed down and hit on the playground. She immediatly went for help - but the lazy proctor told her that if she didn't know the kids name, the proctor couldn't help her. HELLO!?!?!? My kid is bleeding in her mouth - you can't take a few freakin minutes to find out who did this to her?
One week later she was hit in the head with a ball. Did anyone say soryy? No. ***** spent the rest of recess standing next to the chainlink fence, crying. No one would help her.
I wrote letters, I made phone calls. Nothing except apologies and promises to keep a better eye out for her. Throughout it all, ***** was determined to stay at school and find new friends. She would bawl if I needed her to stay home for a dr appt or illness. In late january, it began to happen again. She was being taunted by the students at school. She was pushed and left out of playtime, and called names that *I* as an adult rarely use. She began to play sick and try to get out of going to school. Every morning was a fight for her to get out of bed and go to school. A tummy ache, a bloody nose, whatever she could come up with. She missed 15 days in one trimester....
The last straw came about a week ago. I took off *****'s clothes for a bath and found some small bruises. They came from a boy in her class that decided that he was angry and needed to take his frustrations out on her, because she asked him to please be quiet so she could hear the story. I had enough. I sat down with HOngo and told him that this was not going to happen ANYMORE. And on Tuesday, Feb 25th after my parent -teacher conference, I made the call to the charter academy and our journey down homeschool lane began........
We have a great facilatator. Her name is Annette. She is very supportive and also very lenient about allowing me to teach the way I want to. For the first time in a long time, my daughter is excited about learning.
Today was tough, but we got through. We read a story and I picked some high frequency words, had her write them 3 times, and then make them into sentences. For math the topic was money, and we sat and talked about coins and their values. It took a while, but by the end of the lesson, Hongo had joined in and helped her figure out how to add coins up.
For fine arts, I put in a Wierd Al DVD and let the girls dance to their hearts content. That also counted towards PE, so we killed 2 birds with one stone! I am tired - I also spend the rest of the evening trying to get some stuff for our new website going. I'm very new to this type of thing, and I am figuring out with trial and error. There is more error than I would like, lol!

That post was definitly food for thought. Its amazimg to look back and see how we started, and how far we have come. LegoQueen still has emotional scars, but has grown to be a well adjusted tween with lots of friends. I also feel like the other two have truly benefited from LQ's experiences.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The bad thing about keeping up with the laundry...

I just looked at the picture I took on NYE of my kids and realized that my daughter wore that same outfit today to the park. One would think that with all the tops and bottoms she has in her dresser, she could not wear the same thing twice in a week?

Maybe I will not do laundry for a while....

Oh hey - my son is wearing the same outfit too!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Tooth Loss....

My poor daughter - she is almost 12 and she still has most of her baby teeth. In fact, she has lost one or two teeth recently and the adult tooth has come in within days.
Well, tonight she was chewing on a Tootsie Roll candy and she came to me with a piece of tooth and said it came out. I thought the tooth had broken, and so I was thinking "crap, now I have to take her back to the dentist" and I gave her a lecture on brushing her teeth properly and it is ridiculous that her teeth are breaking. I made her toss the tooth too.
I finally asked her to show me where the tooth came from, I needed to see how badly it had broken, and all I see is a gleaming white molar sticking halfway out. I searched her mouth completely, and she has all of her teeth intact. So apparently this tooth was fighting to hang on and keep its spot, and the Tootsie Roll is what pulled it out.
Poor kid - I made her toss it too!

Its a New YEAR!

I always love the New Year. Everything seems so fresh, and I am always optimistic about what is going to happen.
Even though 2007 did not start off the greatest...it finished with a bang - literally.

Last night we went to a NYE party for the very first time. This family invited us in 2006 as well, but I was too chicken to attend. We weren't even going to go last night, but on a whim, Hongo said to me "If you want to go to the party, let's go. And call up your friend and tell her we'll take her and her son with us."
That is why I love this man!!! He is willing to come out of his shell to do things if it can possibly make me happy!
We left around 9:30, and came home. We were sooo tired. I was asleep before 10:30. But at midnight is when the ruckus began. I don't know if people were shooting guns, or popping things off, but it was loud. My dog Hayden was so scared that he kept clawing at my arm - he wanted to bury his face in my armpit. Too funny, considering he doesn't like me a whole lot. He had to settle for sleeping on my stomach.

Today we slept in and when I got up, I made everyone breakfast. Pancakes and sausage with orange juice to drink. Except myself - I made myself a fruity smoothie.
Its going to be a good year, I know it.