Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Yes, its that time again...

The blog entry my hoards of fans have been waiting for....

Oh wait - I just woke up. I have no hoard of fans :P Sorry. Maybe someday, though!

Two stories I want to tell right off the bat, because they crack me up and I keep forgetting to throw them in my blog.

First story:

Drama Queen and Hairy boy are playing house.

DQ: You be the dad, I'll be the mom.
HB: Noooooo! you be the dad! Okay, I'll be the dad, so I can drive the cool car. (hmpf - we'll see if I let him ride around in MY car ever again!)
DQ: Don't come home yet, I haven't cleaned the house.
HB: Give me the baby and we'll drive in my car
DQ: NO! You drive like a crazy guy, you'll crash my baby!
*Tugging war of "baby" ensues*
DQ: Okay, you can come home now, the house is clean and its your turn to take care of the baby. Drive your car into the garage and wash your hands before you kiss me (this is particularly funny, because Hongo always washes his hands when he comes home, and then kisses me. His rule - not mine)
HB: I'm not coming home, I'm going to drive my cool car. RRRRRRRRRRr!

Ahhhhh, if only my Hongo could get away with telling me that, lol!

This second one wasn't necessarily FUNNY, but it makes me laugh at myself because I bawled like a baby because of it.

Drama Queen and Lego Queen have a friend from cheerleading. The same mom that I enticed over to the dark side (aka homeschooling w/o a charter) is this girls mom. We were talking, and I found out that the little girl's 7th birthday was in TWO days. Her mom had already said that she hadn't planned a party (no family except her, her hubby (stepfather) and two siblings and no friends) so they were just going to take the little girl out to eat.
Now I've done that before - we'll have a nice dinner and invite the ILs for some cake and ice cream. But I know LegoQueen has always secretly wanted a party in her heart, and I just couldn't provide it - no one to invite! So that afternoon, I told my girls that Saturday was that girl's birthday and that we would call her Friday before she went to her dad's house to tell her Happy Birthday. My oldest wanted to know if they could go to her party, because after all - it was her birthday. I told them no party, and they were disappointed.
Now this is where I start tearing up.....
The girls got out some cardstock, crayons, spongy stickers, pipe cleaners, etc and started making cards for this little girl. They even talked their little brother into making one as well! They drew pictures and LegoQueen did all the printing. I found some 5x7 envelopes, and I addressed them to the little girl and the kids stuffed their cards inside. DramaQueen's was so thick that it needed an envelope all its own. I made sure they had plenty of postage and we dropped them off before we arrived at LegoClub. The girls were giddy and hoping that the cards would arrive the very next day - Saturday.
Saturday passed, and then Sunday. Then on Monday morning the phone rang, and I was unable to get out of bed in time to answer it. CallerID said it came from that family, and there was a message. I put in the code and all I heard was a shrily voice, half yelling, half crying, saying "Thank you, thank you soooo much! I thank you for these cards!......." and it just went on and on. Tears were streaming down my face, and I felt like such a goof for crying. But my heart swelled with pride.
I let LegoQueen listen that evening, and she beamed.

So now that I need a tissue, I will have to say no to writing about my day. Don't worry - it was super boring, except for the fact that I made my dessert to take to the park tomorrow to share. Yum!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cancelled my appt....

That's right - I cancelled. However, I rescheduled the appt and made it a full physical.

I have improved 1000 percent. Today I was able to get up without feeling groggy, I looked at the mirror and my face looked rested and pink, not gray and tired looking.

When 9am came and went and I still had a steady stream of energy, I knew I would be better off at home. So I called and canceled. My Hongo called a little bit after and said he thought it might be my anemia again, since I have been very lazy about keeping tabs on my iron.

I got a lot done today, and I have the full trashcans to prove it. I will also have a bag of clothing and some toys to bring with me to park on Thursday. The toys are varied in age range - LegoQueen's Quantum Pad is in there, some plastic cars from Hairy Boy, and some kind of Write and Learn thing that Drama Queen never played with. In fact, i think I still have the un-used worksheets to go with it. Anyway, lots of fun stuff that I hope some of the family will take and use.

My Hongo and I talked about the LegoQueen's birthday party. He is worried that it is too many kids for our house. To be truthfully honest, the reason that it is too many kids is because of the obligatory invites to our neighbors. That's 4 kids that probably don't have any real business being invited. I know that is mean, but as I was looking over the invite list and seeing where we could pare down, those 4 names kept popping up. LegoQueen has already said she does NOT want her HS friends to be excluded.
So I proposed this idea to my Hongo.....I could have her party on Friday the 16th at our house during the regular Lego Club meeting. The neighbor kids will be in school, so they can't attend anyway. He countered with the fact that then his nephew (the kids' only cousin) wouldn't be able to come to the party. Uhhhh, he's NEVER been here to celebrate any of my kids' birthdays so what is one more? Hongo also mentioned that his parents, and himself would be unable to attend, so I would not have any extra pairs of hands. Hello?!?! I'll have like 5 moms here! I am sure at least 1 (probably more like all 5) know how to cut cake, lol.

So I am going to bring up that idea at the park and see what the other moms think. Can I pull off a birthday party with 25-30 guests (friends, sibling, parents) or am I living in a dream world? Yes, I know my MIL is already excited about creating a Lego cake, and bringing a pinata (her history of execution is pretty poor, so don't hold your breath for cake) but its not her party. I don't know, we'll see.

On a completely different note, today I did not cook so we went to On The Border. I don't know why we punish ourselves - oh wait, we go for the Guacamole Live. Basically, the food is great, but the service sucks. Today we waited nearly 1 1/2 hours to get our food. So they took 30 off our bill and gave us 30 in coupon vouchers. I told my Hongo that we would not visit this restaurant for a LOOOOOOONG time. I know - I say that everytime we leave and I am disatisfied with the service, but this time I mean it. Really.

I am almost done with my daughter's hat. I have to read the chapter in the book on how to bind off, and then I can sew the back ends together and finish it with poms. I am laughing at myself - I've never finished anything so I have never done binding off in my life!

Monday, January 29, 2007

I made an appt to see my dr.

I slept for 10 hours last night. I got up at 7, and scared myself when I looked in the mirror. I looked like I hadn't slept in DAYS. I felt refreshed, but my face was telling a different story. So i put some eye cream on and moisturizer and after a while I looked less scary, lol.
I threw some items in a pot to make soup. If I'm going to trust LegoQueen to serve me lunch, I don't want to eat a hot dog or a slice of lunchmeat with a side of chips. I wanted soup.
I took it easy, but at 9 am I was exhausted again! So ridiculous. I felt like this is something I need to bring up to the dr, because it feels so unusual. I have had NOTHING BUT a steady stream of energy ever since I started working out, and eating well. I called and made my appt for wed 10 am. So nothing to do now but sit and wait. I got out a notebook to journal my activities, meals, and how I felt.
I was given strict instruction by my Hongo to not cook, clean, exercise, use the computer, drive, go outside, blow my nose, etc (okay that last one was just sarcastic) SO yeah, just lay around like a vegetable is basically what he wanted. I should drool to complete the effect.

I talked to him after I made the appt. I told him that I really felt like I should get up and walk for a little bit to get the blood flowing in my body. He reluctantly agreed, and told me I had consent to use the computer to plug my symptoms into WebMD and see what this could be.


I found 4 items, and after looking at them, I noticed that I had quite a few symptoms of one in particular, and to top it off, my dad has it so my risk of having it too is high. I made it a point to include water intake and bathroom breaks to my journal list.
That was just depressing, so I told Legoqueen she was in charge for 20 minutes, got on my treadmill and walked.
I must say, the endorphins made me feel really good, so I felt like I could do a little more. I cleaned a little bit, had lunch, and then sat and knitted because my "high" was leaving. I lay down while the kids played hula hoop inside the house. I couldn't sit up to watch them play outside, so I made the exception.
I talked on the phone to my Hongo who is taking Wed off to drive me to the dr. He suggested that I put in a movie and sleep on the couch while the kids sat there. I told him I would, but I had already been laying for like an hour, so i got up and decided to go for one more walk.
After my 2nd walk, I felt good again, so I did some more stuff. Then I crashed. I napped for almost 2 hours. I don't like doing it because it feels dangerous, even though I never fall fully asleep. I can hear the movie and the kids talking to each other.

Now I'm up and I feel good again. Nice and rested. It's almost 5:30 and my Hongo hasn't called to tell me he is on his way home. I can't wait - he is bringing dinner, and then he is going to take me to the store to buy eggs and bread. Yay.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Not feeling well....

Yesterday's dizziness and weak feeling followed me into today. I woke up at 7, but in order to be nice and let everyone else sleep in, I stayed in my bed and snuggled my Hairy Boy until about 8:30. He decided that he wanted eggs (he's going to turn into an egg!) but I realized that I only had two left because I passed on buying more Friday night. WHY DID I DO THAT????
So I convinced him that we should wake up everyone else and have pancakes with bacon for breakfast, which we did, and I am sure the others were grateful that they received the benefit of the last two eggs, ha ha.
While washing the breakfast dishes, I just didn't feel right. And when I would walk, I felt like I was going to fall. My right leg gave out on me twice, and I stumbled.
My Hongo wanted to drive me straight to the hospital. But what are they going to say "Hey lady, you have no balance, go home."


Since I refused the trip down the hill, I was banished to the couch to sit. But I managed to sneak in a load of laundry and some pick-up. My Hongo had enough of my defiance - he put me in my room and made it really dark and told me to take a nap. How could I refuse? My body felt exhausted.
I woke up, and since no one in the house can cook but me, my husband went out and foraged for food. He went to McDonald's. Such a man.

I talked to my mother in law on the phone about LegoQueen's birthday party. Then I took a bath, and now I am being drilled about my well-being. No, I'm not feeling like I am going to fall down, and no I don't feel weak. I feel tired though - which is unusual since I just woke from a nap 3 hours ago.

I did notice in the bath that I still have a large bruise on my knee, from about a week ago when we were moving kid furniture. Its getting bigger. So I took some iron, and hopefully the reason I have been feeling the way I do is due to low iron. My skin is also super itchy.

I'm just falling apart at 29.

So I got NOTHING done today. Tomorrow I hope for a better day, because lets face it - I can't be out of commission so close to LegoQueens' party. I have invites to make, planning to do, dentist issues to take care of (yesterday Lego Queen bit into a piece of chewy candy and out came a filling- great timing) and regular stuff that will pile up on me if I let it.

Going to sleep now.......

Saturday, January 27, 2007

The weekend!!!!

I missed journaling for 2 days, boo hoo.

Park was great, the weather was absolutely perfect. I lost trackof time and we didn't leave until almost 4 pm!!! I actually try to GET HOME at 4, lol.

Friday we had a playdate, and the kids were having fun and I was so into knitting my hat and having conversation, that I was surprised when the hostess's husband walked in the door. OOPS!! He was really cool about it, sat in the living room with us and chatted for a bit. I looked at my watch, and again - it was almost 4. Gotta watch my time better!!!! I hope by now that she is found her cat (he escaped out the door) and if not, I am sure he'll come back really soon!

Friday night we went to Lowe's to get paint for LegoQueen's room, she wanted a nice sky blue. Actually, she wanted RED, but the guy at the paint counter said we would have to put like 4-5 coats and I just can't afford to put $100 of paint on just her walls. So sky blue was a nice alternative that she came up with.
While we were there, we saw Drama Queen's speech teacher. The one we just bailed on. *oops* We spoke briefly and she asked if I had received the closing paperwork and returned it so she could close the file. I haven't, so I promised I would take care of it this weekend.
We also grocery shopped, checked out WICKES furniture, and bought Baskin Robbins ice cream!

Today (Saturday) I had plans to paint that room sky blue. But my Hongo had other plans. Like dragging me to every furniture store in town. But first I had to turn in the registration for softball. I told my Hongo it would take 5 minutes, but it stretched into abut 15. Seriously, I had to say HI to everyone, and of course you have to catch up on each other, and then I had to introduce myself to the people who had HEARD about me and emailed back and forth yet never had the pleasure of meeting me. LMAO - the pleasure, ha ha ha ha. More like the misfortune!

So anyway, we went looking at furniture. SOme nice, some not so nice. It gave us a lot of ideas and made us think about what kind of furniture to buy for the kids in the long term. We also went to walmart (i hate that store on BVR) and bought some ceiling fans for the kids rooms. We ended up NOT putting them up, and bought track lighting from Home Depot instead.

I was not feeling too well when we got home. I thought maybe it was because I hadn't eaten in a few hours, but even after 2 small snacks I was feeling dizzy and weak. I asked my Hongo if he minded me lying down. Of course he wasn't, but I still thought it was courteous to ask instead of just disappearing, lol.

I napped for 2 hours. Groggy getting up but it turned out to be okay. I don't know what was wrong with me!

The rest of the evening has been pretty good. We went back to the AV walmart to return the fans and bought some other stuff. Never take your spendthrift husband to walmart. He makes fun of me when that one "South Park" episode (Something Wall-Mart Comes This Way) comes on, but HE is the one who is BAD.

I hope to get SOME painting done tomorrow. I've got a whole 8 hours!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Relax, Kim....

Yes, I just had to tell myself that a million times in the past five minutes. You know how sometimes when people post stuff, and you can't see their face, so you don't know whether they are being snippy or genuinly helpful? That's me right now.

Today I got up right after my Hongo left. Poor Hayden the dog - when I get up, there is no one on the bed left to lay with, so he wanders around and tries to hop in bed with the kids. I found him in front of Hairy boy's room, whimpering so I went ahead and let him go in there.
I got a lot accomplished today, and to reward myself I went ahead and called my favorite Canadian to see how she was doing and to have a marathon chat. Her adoption baby is due soon, and I am so excited for her! we talked about her sickness, and then she asked me how I was doing. I told her that I felt really good, despite being really busy. I don't feel so overwhelmed anymore - kind of like I feel that I have a handle on my life right now.

My hat is going well, I did 4 rows this morning while I was on the phone. The best part is that I am still excited about knitting it. I think maybe that is why I never finish anything - it takes me so long that I just get bored with it. I told Legoqueen that I found out the self-striping yarn would work, so I could make her funky hat after I was done with this one.

My exercise is going well too. I attribute my good attitude to consistently working out lately. I get up in the morning and after breakfast I just start walking. I can think about so much while I walk and I remember back when legoqueen was about 2 years old I would run on the treadmill for an hour every night just to clear my head from work and yucky stuff.
During the spring, I like to take the kids to the park by our house and I walk around the playground while they play. Once the hour is up, we go back home. Winter is a different story because its so cold. Frankly, for the past two weekends, my golden retriever has not been happy to go out for walks with me. Once around the block, and she wants to get back in the house where it is warm, lol.

Look at me - rambling again...

I baked banana muffins today - looking for something different to eat in the morning. Apples are getting boring.
I think that's enough journaling for tonight. Tomorrow is park and I am looking forward to it

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It should be a no brainer....

but today I realized that I really prefer my kids' homeschooling friends over their public schooled friends. I'll leave it at that. I am so grateful for the group of kids mine are involved with, honestly.
The kids drove me to start my new knitting project earlier than I had anticipated. Otherwise I think I would have snapped.

So anyway, I started a new project. Its a hat for Drama Queen. Now before you start laughing at me, I really feel like I can finish this. No , really. I've already finished the ribbing and I started on the body AND I want to do more but I have put it away for the night so that I could journal and then go to bed.
I was looking at craft books today at the library and Drama Queen found this book on 12 hats you can knit. Flipping through it, she found one that she liked and asked if I would make it. Not COULD I make it, WOULD I. Which makes it seem like it never crossed her mind that I couldn't do it. How can I let her down? I'll give it my best shot. And if it works out okay, Miss Legoqueen wants one too in a funky stripey pattern. Uhhh, not sure I could do that - I'll have to consult with the yarn ladies to see if self striping yarn will work in this case.
The kids all got a book each, and then we went and got crickets. I realized afterward that I couldn't go to Michaels because I had live insects in my car.
We got home and I had all the kids go to their rooms to browse their books. Then I read to the little ones. The little kids are facinated with the books that have different textures on their pages. The words are easy as pie to read, its just the textures that make the kids want them.
Lunch was prepared, and then afterwards I let the kids go play with the neighbors (who were out of school for some reason) Then at around 4:30 the dentist office called and asked me to come pick up the paperwork for drama queens referral. Ugh fine. I sent the one remaining visiting child home and made the kids get in the car. We got there at 5:15 and the paperwork was not ready!!!!

My hongo and I ended up talking about the dentist. He doesnt want me to take her to this referral. He wants me to look into a few of the dentists that some of the HS moms recommended, and if a suitable replacement can't be found THEN we'll take her.

So, in a nutshell we are staying home tomorrow. I already told the kids not to bother asking to play with the neighbors on Wed, because the answer was going to be no. They played for 4 hours today, they will play for 4 hours Thursday, and they will play for at least 2 hours on Friday. They are not deprived in any way. I am going to look into having some kind of playdate on Mon or Tues from now on, but its gonna be a homeschooled kid for sure :D

Monday, January 22, 2007

Going downhill....

You know, I am thinking about having a strike on Monday's. Yup, that 's it - I am striking. Because honestly, laying in bed with the covers pulled over my head sounds a whole lot better than what happened today.

First, we went to take Drama Queen to the dentist. I was given the new car to drive today because I was supposed to get the windows tinted.
I learned, first of all, that I am extremely spoiled. I have a remote keyless entry on my car and pretty much every car that I have owned for the past 10 years. DO you know how stupid I looked running back to my parked car and opening the door, feeling around for the button to lock the doors? I bet the people shopping at Albertson's were laughing.
We got to the office and I think satan had moved in to the building, because it was hot like he!! I figured we wouldn't be there too long. Plus I forgot my cell phone in the car, and it was parked too far away for me to run and get it real quick.
An hour later, we were still waiting. They FINALLY took us in, saw her for 10 minutes and then made us leave. She does have a cavity like I thought, but it is deep, so they have to numb her. They would prefer she go to a pedidontist (sp?) Fine, but now this opens up a whole avenue of paranoia for me. Who is going to touch my precious daughter? Are they gentle? Are they kind? Have children died in their chair? Ugh, so many questions.

Then it was off to the car tint place. He stepped away for an emergency, so we talked and I agreed to come back at 3. I took the kids home, and I spent nearly 2 hours on the phone with my friend, talking about her kids' first day of homeschool. We agreed to get together at the park on Thursday and talk about some questions she has.
Called my mother in law, told her that Drama queen had an appt and told her about the new car. I asked about granny, and Granny is not doing well. She has good days and bad days. If I wasn't so worried about the kids germs affecting her I would make my Hongo take us for a visit.

Back to the tint place. I get there and some guy (not the guy I talked to earlier) starts to give me crap about tinting the windows all the way around. First of all, its not my car. I am simply the servant who is meekly bringing it in to have its windows tinted. Second, the person the car belongs to has a badge and for the past 7 years he's never gotten a ticket for illegally tinted windows. and trust me, even before he got a badge the windows have always been done. Third, you get paid more to put the tint on, so be quiet and do what I am paying you to do.
He got snappy with me, and i made a mental note to talk to his boss when I picked up my car.

We started walking to Target, and my cell phone rings. Its my insurance company. The VIN I gave them is going in the computer, so she was calling to verify. Great. I'm in a fricking dirt lot, my children think they are wild animals, my car is being worked on, and the paperwork is at home. I asked if I could call her back. Yes? Great. And BTW, could she get me a quote for homeowner's insurance?

Shopping at Target......went okay. I knew we had a lot of time, so I let the girls look at everything and anything they wanted. Yay. We ate at the food court (gross? yes I know.) and the lady was sooooooooo slooooooooow. If I had been in a hurry I would have left. But nowadays I make it a point to never be in a hurry - stop and smell the roses. Or, in this case, the lukewarm hotdogs spinning under a heat lamp.

My insurance guy called with my house ins quote. Choke, choke, who knew that owning a dog that is the size of a large cat would cause insurance to skyrocket so much!

It was getting dark, so I pushed the kids out the door. The last thing I needed was to try to manuever 3 yahoos through rush hour traffic. We went back out into the dirt lot and pretended we were explorers. Got back to the tint place, the car isn't done. So the kids start jumping around and fighting and being pains. I sent the Legoqueen to the corner, threatened to staple Drama Queen to the couch and leaver her there, and by this time Hairy boy was flipping through a magazine and figured it was the safest thing to do.

Got my car, said my piece, and got out of there. Got home, called the lady about my VIN, and realized that my husband would be home in 10 minutes and hadn't called. I didn't have dinnner ready. Not good.
But he was late too. I gave the kids lunch meat, crackers and cheese for dinner and we had oriental chicken and rice. We swapped stories about the day and snuggled on the couch. Even when my day is bad, I still have him with me to make it all right.

He's still looking at DisneyWorld vacations, and I'm still not biting.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Championship Sunday

My day started off with good intentions (don't they always?) I woke up and my Hairy boy was still in my bed, so I lay with him for a little while. As it was nearing 10am, i knew I wanted to hurry up and get to Costco, so I got up and dressed and checked the website. Well, they opened at 10, so I woke my Hongo and told him I was leaving. I wanted to get there early because its a nuthouse on the weekends. Actually, our Costco is pure madness any day of the week.
I went and got what I wanted and got home. The rest of the family must have been moving in slow motion. No one was dressed and they were all pretty much laying around. Its funny, because I certainly remember a certain someone saying that he was going to help his youngest daughter clean her room.....

So I sat and watched the first game. Everytime there was a break (timeout, commercial, etc) I would get up and do something. I did 2 loads of laundry, made lunch, cleaned up after breakfast and lunch, and picked up stuff. I guess I must have been invisible, because no one seemed to notice that I was the only one working! Heck, I even washed my Expedition during halftime!
I said forget it to the second game and I cleaned my kitchen and started dinner. I even put a batch of cinnimon rolls in the breadmaker. Dinner was enchilada casserole, and I had to hear about how much my drama queen hates that. So I offered her leftover pizza from Johnny Carino;s and she was all over it. I watched the end of the game, and then treated myself to a hot bath.
I have a ton of stuff to do tomorrow - Drama Queen has a dentist appt (her first ever) and all I hope for is that she doesn't completly meltdown at the dentist office. Please, please, please - let everything go well while we are there.
If all goes well (and even if it doesn't) we have to take the new car for a window tinting. Ugh. such a pain. And I have to call and switch my insurance to the new car.

Meanwhile I write my appointments and such on my Mustang calendar. Its gonna be a loooooong year.....

Saturday, January 20, 2007

A day of change....

Change invokes different emotions in me. Sometimes its fun - like painting a drab room a really hot new color. Sometimes it sad - giving up something you really like in favor of something more "practical". And sometimes it's just plain annoying and exhausting. Like when your husband announces he wants to change the kids'rooms around for like the millionth time!

Well, all three kinds of those changes happened today. We spent our afternoon at the local dealership trading in our sports cars for a gas efficient, 5 people seating, cheap car. I wanted to cry. I really liked the Mustang, it was awesome. But sometimes life doesn't work out perfect and you do what ya gotta do. For us, it was getting rid of something that was not practical for our lives right now. Maybe our paths (us and the new model Ford Mustang) will cross again in the near future. The good news is that I am keeping my Expedition - they will have to pry the keys from my cold dead hand unless I give them up voluntarily.
To drown our sorrows, we went to Johnny Carino's for dinner, and I didn't even put up a fuss when my hongo ordered an expensive steak.

So now that I am done moping for my car, on to the next change. Knowing now that we have about 3 WEEKS until Legoqueens's birthday party to get the house projects finished, we headed back to Lowes to look at some paint. The kids' rooms and the main living spaces have to be repainted, or no party. So I know I have approx 3 weekends (5 more days) to finish these paint projects. How am I going to do it? I don't know, because I just finished one bedroom tonight and I don't want to look at another paint can or roller.

So my Hongo decides that he wants to move the kids BACK to their own rooms, but we are going to give Legoqueen the #2 room because it has the TV in it. Then we'll give the hairy boy the giant room, because he gets all the hand me down toys that no one wants (stinks to be the 3rd in line, lol) Drama queen (my younger daughter) will get to stay in her own room, which just plain upsets her because she DOESN'T want her own room. She wants to be with someone.

I decided on a nice grey blue for Hairy's room. SO I spent this evening painting it before my Hongo moved the furniture in. I figured that purple and princesses was not suitable for my son, lol. It came out really nice - I'll have to take a picture of it once all the areas dry.

So my day started out sad, then fun, and then it ended annoying and exhausting. I have to get some kind of routine going to keep those toys in line. I KNOW they all have homes, yet when they are piled into the toyboxes and are overflowing, it looks BAD.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Friday's madness

It's Friday night, and I've begun to unwind from today.

I got in trouble with that guy who lives here too (I'll refer to him as Hongo), I didn't tell him that I was having people over. And BOY, did I have people over. 11 kids, and 5 women (that number includes my family) Its not that he objects to the particular guests, he would have just preferred to have known about it in advance. The only reason I didn't tell him is because last time I had them over he freaked out the night before and spent the whole evening tidying up and complaining that he didn'thave time to fix the holes in the wall that he had drilled. It totally stressed me out and I spent the playdate complaining to my friends about him. Not nice.

I fixed pizza for the group. I was kind of nervous, because sometimes my pizza can be really hit or miss as far as the crust goes. It was a bread flour/whole wheat mix, and everyone seemed to enjoy it. No one died or vomited, so I guess it was edible - lol. The other moms pitched in with goodies - cookies, cupcakes, cereal bars and drinks.
Hongo voiced concern that having so many kids and moms over would be terribly expensive, and asked if I spent a lot. I explained to him that I provided the pizzas (which cost me about $5 to make both) and the other moms brought drinks and other snacks. So its really not as bad as it sounds.

Anyhow, the kids had a good time, and I got some adult conversation in. Near the end of the playdate, the little girl behind our house asked if she could come over. I said okay, and so she came over. I really hope it opened her eyes that Legoqueen (my daughter) actually had real friends besides her and that homeschooled kids know how to have a good time. Honestly, I think she was just interested in the boys and wanted to show off to them.

Dinner tonight was salmon for myself and Hongo, and the three kids had some chips and cheese quesadillas. I baked some cookies, and right now they are staring at me, and calling to me. "Eat us Kim....we promise we won't head straight for your thighs...."
Ha! I know better. So I only ate two and the rest of you guys can sit there until tomorrow after I run.

I've moved!

After a long discussion with myself, I have decided to let go of The title just doesn't suit our lifestyle anymore, and I don't want to pay to keep a family site where no one in my family ever visits. SO I'll probably pull all my entries off of there and put them on disc.

I tend to journal regularly, so if you have a blogger account you can add me to your list and check with me regularly. I also take a lot of pictures, and I understand that alows uploads, so that should be really cool.

Oh, and if you are new to my journal - the reason it is called "hidden in the pantry" is because that is the only place in the house where I can have peace. I hide in the pantry to make phone calls, and to surf on the internet late at night. My pantry is my sanctuary, and only I know where the good snacks are stashed ;)

I look forward to navigating around my new home, and connecting with my friends who also have blogger.